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31 Desember 2012

First Trip Without Family Part One

The first day in 2013 ...
here I want to tell you about my first trip out of town without family time.

16 Desember 2012, Novi call me... sohib bilang udah liat pengumuman PTBA blon? gw melongo, dan loading gitu... and 5 menit kemudian gw tersadar.. Really cem? udah ada pengumumannya?. Yah gw kira becanda. secara pendaftarannya udah dari satu bulan yang lalu. Dan bergegaslah gw mengikuti perintah nyonya untuk membuka WEB PTBA tersebut. Karena modem gw ga ad budget jadi gw buka dari hp, yahhhh setelah sampe esok paginya nunggu tuh web kebuka full nama nama yang lulus gw acuhkan tuh hp di lantai. End Then pas gw buka,,,,, pemirsa itu halaman web gak loading ternyata.
gw udah nunggu ampe botak tuh web tetep aja gitu, dan alhasil gw buka web nya dikantor. Sebenernya sih gw ga begitu antusias, malahan gw sempet lupa ingatan untuk buka tuh web.
Dikantor kan litingan gw pada ikut,,,,, and sampailah dipenghujung acara... semua menanyakan apakah saya lulus? dan saya hanya menjawab "Saya belon lihat". Karena anak kantor pada penasaran mereka membuka dengan paksa web tersebut dan mencari nama saya.....
satu jam kemudian.....
dua jam kemudian.....
dan sodara sodara sekalian ...., alhamdulillah nama saya ada... Horeeeeeeeeeee..........
Dikantor yang lulus just 3 orang saje,,,,,
Miranti Erita, Jeno krisandi, and Me...

Tapiiiiiiii, lokasi tes ini membuat saya galau....
"Lawang Kidul, Muara Enim", tempat apa itu, saya belum pernah menjamahnya... OMG #tepokjidat...

to be continue.......

Outside Gynecology Pregnancy Caused Infections

Ectopic pregnancy or a layman known as pregnancy outside the womb is the implantation (planting) the fertilized ovum in an improper place (outside the uterus).

The term comes from English ectopic, ectopic, with the root word from the Greek topos meaning place.

"The cause of this wide range of pregnancy, but more often the cause is an infection in the fallopian tubes or never perform operations outside the womb before," said Dr. Tjahaya PU SpOG Kes, Specialty Obstetrics and Gynecology,
RSIA Putri Mutiara

Pregnancy outside the womb, the fetus can not develop like a fetus inside the uterus, so pregnancy can not be maintained. Complications that can occur, the root layer of the placenta attached to the fallopian tubes, and cause bleeding, minor bleeding then detached spontaneously. Furthermore, the network remains out spontaneously are often called "tubal abortion" (tubal abortion). The roots penetrate the placental lining the fallopian tubes, and resulted in rupture of blood vessels by the impact is severe bleeding that can cause death.

There are no symptoms or signs typical of these ectopic pregnancies. At first she would feel the same as any other normal pregnancy. Symptoms arise when there has been significant bleeding in the abdominal wall.

Symptoms are pain in the pelvic area or abdomen, bleeding from the genitals, fainting or dizzy outlook due to lack of blood. That is why it is important for early detection of ectopic pregnancy in early pregnancy.

Women who have had an ectopic pregnancy can become pregnant again, only to have the risk of ectopic pregnancy over a three-fold higher than women without a history. And if the fallopian tubes are still good, it is likely to still exist.

Now 2013, I'm Back

Hi... Now I'm Back..
Udah lama banget ga ngepost lagi, cos jadwal gw yang begitu padat membuat gw ga bisa menulis lagi.
And Now Today is New Year, Welcome 2013. I hope better than 2012.
Happy New Year Everybody,
